Grade K Quality Review Summary
Rubric Section | Quality Rating |
- Intentional Instructional Design
| 53 / 53 |
- Progress Monitoring
| 28 / 28 |
- Support for All Learners
| 32 / 32 |
- Phonics Rule Compliance
| 36 / 36 |
- Foundational Skills
| 175 / 175 |
- Knowledge Coherence
| 55 / 55 |
- Text Quality and Complexity
| 38 / 38 |
- Evidence-Based Tasks and Responses
| 71 / 71 |
- 1.1 Course-Level Design: Materials adhere to TEKS, ELPS, concepts, and knowledge taught. They apply appropriate pacing while providing explanations for concepts, guiding for lesson internalization, and including resources to support administrators.
- 1.2 Unit-Level Design: Materials include comprehensive unit overview, provide content knowledge and academic vocabulary for effective teaching, and suggestions to support families in their students’ success.
- 1.3 Lesson-Level Design: Material support educators in effective implementation through intentional lesson-level design.
- 2.1 Instructional Assessments: Materials include appropriate and defined instructional assessments aligned to TEKS at varying levels of complexity, and offer guidance to educators on consistent administration of assessments.
- 2.2 Data Analysis and Progress Monitoring: Materials include guidance to interpret student performance and tools for students to track their own growth and progress.
- 3.1 Differentiation and Scaffolds: Materials provide educators with guidance to pre-teach unfamiliar vocabulary and references and implement differentiated instruction.
- 3.2 Instructional Methods: Materials guide educators in effectively modeling, delivering, and facilitating lessons through explicit instructional approaches and varied practice opportunities.
- 3.3 Support for Emergent Bilingual Students: Materials provide educators with guidance on linguistic accommodations, bilingual/ESL program implementation, and support for emergent bilingual students, including resources for dual language immersion programs and metalinguistic transfer.
- 4.1 Explicit (Direct) and Systematic Phonics Instruction: Materials offer systematic and sequenced instruction in phonics and foundational skills, with explicit daily opportunities for practice, including isolated exercises, decodable texts, and cumulative review.
- 4.2 Daily Instructional Sequence and Routines: Materials ensure daily lessons provide explicit instruction with teacher modeling, guided practice with immediate feedback, and diverse opportunities for collaborative and independent student practice.
- 4.3 Ongoing Practice Opportunities: Materials incorporate intentional cumulative review and practice of explicitly taught phonics skills, using decodable texts and providing opportunities for isolated and connected practice.
- 4.4 Assessment: Materials provide developmentally appropriate assessment tools with clear administration guidelines, systematic progress monitoring, and year-long assessment opportunities aligned to grade-level phonics skills.
- 4.5 Progress Monitoring and Student Support: Materials offer data-management tools for tracking individual and whole-class progress, with guidance on progress monitoring frequency and strategies to accelerate learning toward mastery based on data analysis.
- 5.A.1 Print Awareness K-1: Materials provide guidance for explicit, systematic instruction in print awareness, including regular review of print concepts, with frequent opportunities for students to apply this knowledge across various text formats.
- 5.B.1 Oral Language Development: Materials provide explicit and systematic guidance for developing oral language through diverse methods, with opportunities for social and academic communication, active listening, discussion, and idea-sharing for various purposes and audiences.
- 5.C.1 Alphabet Knowledge: Materials provide a systematic sequence for introducing letter names and sounds, with explicit instruction for letter identification and formation. They include activities and resources for students to develop, practice, and reinforce alphabet knowledge both in isolation and within meaningful print.
- 5.C.2 Letter-Sound Correspondence: Materials explicitly and systematically introduce letter-sound relationships, guiding teachers in phoneme-letter instruction with corrective feedback, while offering diverse activities for students to practice and reinforce decoding skills in both isolated and connected text.
- 5.D.1 Phonological Awareness: Materials provide a systematic sequence for introducing phonological awareness, starting with simple skills and progressing to complex ones, offering explicit instruction with corrective feedback and diverse activities for practice and reinforcement aligned to grade-level TEKS.
- 5.D.2 Phonemic Awareness: Materials follow a systematic sequence for phonemic awareness, progressing from basic to complex skills, with explicit instruction and feedback, connecting phonemic awareness to the alphabetic principle, and providing varied activities for cumulative practice and reinforcement.
- 5.E.1 Sound-Spelling Patterns: Materials provide a systematic sequence for introducing grade-level sound-spelling patterns, offering explicit instructional guidance and diverse activities for students to develop, practice, and reinforce these patterns in both isolated words and decodable connected text.
- 5.E.2 Regular and Irregular High-Frequency Words: Materials systematically introduce and provide explicit instruction for regular and irregular high-frequency words, with varied activities for decoding, encoding, and practicing these words in both isolation and connected text.
- 5.E.3 Decoding and Encoding One-Syllable or Multisyllabic Words: Materials include a variety of activities and resources for students to develop, practice and reinforce skills to decode and encode one-syllable or multisyllabic words (through cumulative review)
- 5.F.1 Vocabulary Development: Materials support students in understanding unfamiliar words using illustrations, texts, and context, with explicit teacher guidance on utilizing print and digital resources like dictionaries and glossaries.
- 5.H.1 Handwriting Development: Materials offer explicit instruction on grade-level handwriting skills and provide frequent, authentic practice opportunities to develop these skills in alignment with current learning.
- 6.A.1 Connected Knowledge-Building Units and Lessons: Materials design units to build knowledge in various fields with a structured scope and sequence, focusing on extended topics and integrating grammar, vocabulary, discussion, and writing activities with the knowledge theme.
- 6.A.2 Context and Student Background Knowledge: Materials activate background knowledge by linking to prior grade-level content, connecting across units, and providing relevant context to enhance student engagement with the text.
- 6.A.3 Developing Student Comprehension with Connected Topics, Questions, and Tasks: Materials include questions and tasks that engage students with big ideas and themes, prompt synthesis of knowledge across texts and units, and require demonstration of understanding through connections across texts, with opportunities to apply learning beyond the classroom.
- 6.A.4 Key Academic Vocabulary and Grade-Level Concepts: Materials provide a year-long scope and sequence for building tier 2 and 3 academic vocabulary within knowledge-building contexts, with differentiated practice opportunities, purposeful tasks, and nonverbal techniques like images and visualization to support vocabulary acquisition.
- 6.B.1 Recursive Inquiry Process: Materials support students in asking and generating inquiry questions, creating and following research plans, identifying relevant sources, and organizing and communicating ideas using multiple media for effective research.
- 7.1 High-Quality Grade-Level Texts: Materials include grade-level TEKS-required text types and genres, with complex, high-quality core texts and a range of traditional, contemporary, and diverse texts that reflect students' backgrounds and experiences.
- 7.2 Interaction with Grade-Level Text: Materials provide opportunities in each lesson for students to interact with, respond to, and discuss grade-level texts, engaging in various reading skills such as questioning, predicting, inferring, analyzing, and synthesizing.
- 7.3 Supporting Access to Grade-Level Text: Materials include teacher guidance and scaffolds to ensure all students access grade-level texts while maintaining rigor, and offer opportunities for proficient students to engage in further text analysis.
- 7.4 Analysis of Text Complexity: Materials include both quantitative and qualitative analyses of core texts, with a rationale for their educational purpose and grade-level placement, ensuring they match the required complexity for student tasks.
- 7.5 Read-Aloud, Shared Reading, and Independent Reading: Materials include complex, age-appropriate read-aloud texts with scaffolds, a range of independent reading texts, and a plan for students to self-select and read high-quality texts independently with goal-setting and accountability.
- 8.A.1 Use of Text Evidence: Materials include text-dependent questions and tasks that require students to use evidence to demonstrate comprehension, justify thinking, and support claims, evaluating text elements at various cognitive levels.
- 8.A.2 Teacher Guidance for the Use of Text Evidence: Materials guide teachers in modeling text evidence for claims and responses and in structuring evidence-based discussions with academic vocabulary.
- 8.B.1 Genre Characteristics and Craft to Compose Multiple Texts: Materials include mentor texts for modeling various text types, with opportunities for students to compose literary, informational, and correspondence texts, each with genre-specific characteristics and craft.
- 8.B.2 Writing Process: Materials support the writing process with age-appropriate conventions and provide teacher guidance for modeling and supporting each stage, including conferencing and revising.
- 8.B.3 Explicit (Direct) and Systematic Writing Instruction: Materials offer guidance for explicit instruction in sentence-level writing, focusing on structure, syntax, and vocabulary, and provide systematic opportunities for students to develop, revise, and edit sentences into compositions.
- 8.B.4 Grade-Level Standard English Conventions: Materials provide opportunities for practicing academic language conventions, including sentence structure and grammar, in and out of context, and for writing grammatically correct sentences and paragraphs with proper capitalization and punctuation.
- No challenges were indicated for this material
Bluebonnet Learning is a K–5 Reading Language Arts program. It offers a comprehensive and structured approach to literacy and phonics instruction, integrating phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension into every lesson. The instructional materials provide specific daily instructional guidance, sequences, and routines, including modeling, guided practice, and reading and writing applications. Additionally, the program includes resources designed to enhance family engagement, such as Family Support Letters for every unit, take-home assignments, and teacher resources. The Student Readers provide students with decodable text explicitly connected to the phonics scope and sequence. Students practice code and word patterns they’ve learned and begin using Readers for comprehension purposes.
Campus and district instructional leaders should consider the following:
- The program aligns with 100% of the grade K TEKS. The product and lesson plans feature structured activities such as phonics review, guided reading practice, independent reading opportunities, reading review, and writing application activities within the nine units in the program.
- The program includes a coherent approach to building knowledge within the read-aloud. Students dig deeper and connect across content areas to create a robust knowledge base for comprehending complex texts. The program addresses the interconnected language domains: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking.
- Teachers are provided with instructional guidance in every lesson within the program. The program includes instructional guidance such as the Program and Implementation Guide, an introduction for every unit and lesson, and guidance on expected responses from students for every lesson.
- By both TEKS and ELPS, this literacy program addresses appropriate accommodations for Emergent Bilingual students through vocabulary cognates, small-group instruction, visual aids, summaries, and other modes of scaffolding.
Grade 1 Quality Review Summary
Rubric Section | Quality Rating |
- Intentional Instructional Design
| 53 / 53 |
- Progress Monitoring
| 28 / 28 |
- Support for All Learners
| 32 / 32 |
- Phonics Rule Compliance
| 36 / 36 |
- Foundational Skills
| 197 / 197 |
- Knowledge Coherence
| 55 / 55 |
- Text Quality and Complexity
| 38 / 38 |
- Evidence-Based Tasks and Responses
| 72 / 72 |
- 1.1 Course-Level Design: Materials adhere to TEKS, ELPS, concepts, and knowledge taught. They apply appropriate pacing while providing explanations for concepts, guiding for lesson internalization, and including resources to support administrators.
- 1.2 Unit-Level Design: Materials include comprehensive unit overview, provide content knowledge and academic vocabulary for effective teaching, and suggestions to support families in their students’ success.
- 1.3 Lesson-Level Design: Material support educators in effective implementation through intentional lesson-level design.
- 2.1 Instructional Assessments: Materials include appropriate and defined instructional assessments aligned to TEKS at varying levels of complexity and offer guidance to educators on consistent administration of assessments.
- 2.2 Data analysis and Progress Monitoring: Materials include guidance to interpret student performance and tools for students to track their own growth and progress.
- 3.1 Differentiation and Scaffolds: Materials provide educators with guidance to pre-teach unfamiliar vocabulary and references and implement differentiated instruction.
- 3.2 Instructional Methods: Materials guide educators in effectively modeling, delivering, and facilitating lessons through explicit instructional approaches and varied practice opportunities.
- 3.3 Support for Emergent Bilingual Students: Materials provide educators with guidance on linguistic accommodations, bilingual/ESL program implementation, and support for emergent bilingual students, including resources for dual language immersion programs and metalinguistic transfer.
- 4.1 Explicit (Direct) and Systematic Phonics Instruction: Materials offer systematic and sequenced instruction in phonics and foundational skills, with explicit daily opportunities for practice, including isolated exercises, decodable texts, and cumulative review.
- 4.2 Daily Instructional Sequence and Routines: Materials ensure daily lessons provide explicit instruction with teacher modeling, guided practice with immediate feedback, and diverse opportunities for collaborative and independent student practice.
- 4.3 Ongoing Practice Opportunities: Materials incorporate intentional cumulative review and practice of explicitly taught phonics skills, using decodable texts and providing opportunities for isolated and connected practice.
- 4.4 Assessment: Materials provide developmentally appropriate assessment tools with clear administration guidelines, systematic progress monitoring, and year-long assessment opportunities aligned to grade-level phonics skills.
- 4.5 Progress Monitoring and Student Support: Materials offer data-management tools for tracking individual and whole-class progress, with guidance on progress monitoring frequency and strategies to accelerate learning toward mastery based on data analysis.
- 5.A.1 Print Awareness K-1: Materials provide guidance for explicit, systematic instruction in print awareness, including regular review of print concepts, with frequent opportunities for students to apply this knowledge across various text formats.
- 5.B.1 Oral Language Development: Materials provide explicit and systematic guidance for developing oral language through diverse methods, with opportunities for social and academic communication, active listening, discussion, and idea-sharing for various purposes and audiences.
- 5.C.2 Letter-Sound Correspondence: Materials explicitly and systematically introduce letter-sound relationships, guiding teachers in phoneme-letter instruction with corrective feedback, while offering diverse activities for students to practice and reinforce decoding skills in both isolated and connected text.
- 5.D.1 Phonological Awareness: Materials provide a systematic sequence for introducing phonological awareness, starting with simple skills and progressing to complex ones, offering explicit instruction with corrective feedback and diverse activities for practice and reinforcement aligned to grade-level TEKS.
- 5.D.2 Phonemic Awareness: Materials follow a systematic sequence for phonemic awareness, progressing from basic to complex skills, with explicit instruction and feedback, connecting phonemic awareness to the alphabetic principle, and providing varied activities for cumulative practice and reinforcement.
- 5.E.1 Sound-Spelling Patterns: Materials provide a systematic sequence for introducing grade-level sound-spelling patterns, offering explicit instructional guidance and diverse activities for students to develop, practice, and reinforce these patterns in both isolated words and decodable connected text.
- 5.E.2 Regular and Irregular High-Frequency Words: Materials systematically introduce and provide explicit instruction for regular and irregular high-frequency words, with varied activities for decoding, encoding, and practicing these words in both isolation and connected text.
- 5.E.3 Decoding and Encoding One-Syllable or Multisyllabic Words: Materials systematically introduce syllable types and division principles, with explicit instruction and varied activities for decoding and encoding one-syllable and multisyllabic words in both isolation and connected text.
- 5.E.4 Morphological Awareness: Materials systematically introduce grade-level morphemes, with explicit instruction and varied activities for recognizing, decoding, encoding, and comprehending words with morphemes in both isolation and connected text.
- 5.F.1 Vocabulary Development: Materials support students in understanding unfamiliar words using illustrations, texts, and context, with explicit teacher guidance on utilizing print and digital resources like dictionaries and glossaries.
- 5.G.1 Reading Fluency: Materials provide lessons, activities, and tasks for modeling and practicing fluent reading skills with suggested teacher feedback, including word lists, decodable texts, and various practice settings to develop accuracy, fluency, prosody, and comprehension.
- 5.H.1 Handwriting Development: Materials offer explicit instruction on grade-level handwriting skills and provide frequent, authentic practice opportunities to develop these skills in alignment with current learning.
- 6.A.1 Connected Knowledge-Building Units and Lessons: Materials design units to build knowledge in various fields with a structured scope and sequence, focusing on extended topics and integrating grammar, vocabulary, discussion, and writing activities with the knowledge theme.
- 6.A.2 Context and Student Background Knowledge: Materials activate background knowledge by linking to prior grade-level content, connecting across units, and providing relevant context to enhance student engagement with the text.
- 6.A.3 Developing Student Comprehension with Connected Topics, Questions, and Tasks: Materials include questions and tasks that engage students with big ideas and themes, prompt synthesis of knowledge across texts and units, and require demonstration of understanding through connections across texts, with opportunities to apply learning beyond the classroom.
- 6.A.4 Key Academic Vocabulary and Grade-Level Concepts: Materials provide a year-long scope and sequence for building tier 2 and 3 academic vocabulary within knowledge-building contexts, with differentiated practice opportunities, purposeful tasks, and nonverbal techniques like images and visualization to support vocabulary acquisition.
- 6.B.1 Recursive Inquiry Process: Materials support students in asking and generating inquiry questions, creating and following research plans, identifying relevant sources, and organizing and communicating ideas using multiple media for effective research.
- 7.1 High-Quality Grade-Level Texts: Materials include grade-level TEKS-required text types and genres, with complex, high-quality core texts and a range of traditional, contemporary, and diverse texts that reflect students' backgrounds and experiences.
- 7.2 Interaction with Grade-Level Text: Materials provide opportunities in each lesson for students to interact with, respond to, and discuss grade-level texts, engaging in various reading skills such as questioning, predicting, inferring, analyzing, and synthesizing.
- 7.3 Supporting Access to Grade-Level Text: Materials include teacher guidance and scaffolds to ensure all students access grade-level texts while maintaining rigor, and offer opportunities for proficient students to engage in further text analysis.
- 7.4 Analysis of Text Complexity: Materials include both quantitative and qualitative analyses of core texts, with a rationale for their educational purpose and grade-level placement, ensuring they match the required complexity for student tasks.
- 7.5 Read-Aloud, Shared Reading, and Independent Reading: Materials include complex, age-appropriate read-aloud texts with scaffolds, a range of independent reading texts, and a plan for students to self-select and read high-quality texts independently with goal setting and accountability.
- 8.A.1 Use of Text Evidence: Materials include text-dependent questions and tasks that require students to use evidence to demonstrate comprehension, justify thinking, and support claims, evaluating text elements at various cognitive levels.
- 8.A.2 Teacher Guidance for the Use of Text Evidence: Materials guide teachers in modeling text evidence for claims and responses and in structuring evidence-based discussions with academic vocabulary.
- 8.B.1 Genre Characteristics and Craft to Compose Multiple Texts: Materials include mentor texts for modeling various text types, with opportunities for students to compose literary, informational, and correspondence texts, each with genre-specific characteristics and craft.
- 8.B.2 Writing Process: Materials support the writing process with age-appropriate conventions and provide teacher guidance for modeling and supporting each stage, including conferencing and revising.
- 8.B.3 Explicit (Direct) and Systematic Writing Instruction: Materials offer guidance for explicit instruction in sentence-level writing, focusing on structure, syntax, and vocabulary, and provide systematic opportunities for students to develop, revise, and edit sentences into compositions.
- 8.B.4 Grade-Level Standard English Conventions: Materials provide opportunities for practicing academic language conventions, including sentence structure and grammar, in and out of context, and for writing grammatically correct sentences and paragraphs with proper capitalization and punctuation.
- No challenges were indicated for this material
Bluebonnet Learning is a K–5 Reading Language Arts program. It offers a comprehensive and structured approach to literacy and phonics instruction, integrating phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension into every lesson. The instructional reconnected materials provide specific daily instructional guidance, sequences, and routines, including modeling, guided practice, and reading and writing applications. Additionally, the program includes resources designed to enhance family engagement, such as Family Support Letters for every unit, take-home assignments, and teacher resources. The Student Readers provide students with decodable text explicitly connected to the phonics scope and sequence. Students practice code and word patterns they’ve learned and begin using Readers for comprehension purposes.
Campus and district instructional leaders should consider the following:
- The program aligns with 100% of the grade 1 TEKS. The program builds on learning from previous grade levels, often referring to skills and topics learned in previous years. The product and lesson plans feature structured activities such as phonics review, guided reading practice, independent reading opportunities, reading review, and writing application activities within the seven units in the program.
- The program includes a coherent approach to building knowledge within the read-aloud. Students dig deeper and connect across content areas to create a robust knowledge base for comprehending complex texts. The program addresses the interconnected language domains: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking.
- Instructional guidance is provided to teachers in every lesson within the program. The program includes instructional guidance such as the Program and Implementation Guide, an introduction for every unit and lesson, and guidance on expected responses from students for every lesson.
- By both TEKS and ELPS, this literacy program addresses appropriate accommodations for Emergent Bilingual students through vocabulary cognates, small-group instruction, visual aids, summaries, and other modes of scaffolding.
Grade 2 Quality Review Summary
Rubric Section | Quality Rating |
- Intentional Instructional Design
| 53 / 53 |
- Progress Monitoring
| 28 / 28 |
- Support for All Learners
| 32 / 32 |
- Phonics Rule Compliance
| 36 / 36 |
- Foundational Skills
| 223 / 223 |
- Knowledge Coherence
| 54 / 54 |
- Text Quality and Complexity
| 38 / 38 |
- Evidence-Based Tasks and Responses
| 72 / 72 |
- 1.1 Course-Level Design: Materials adhere to TEKS, ELPS, concepts, and knowledge taught. They apply appropriate pacing while providing explanations for concepts, guiding for lesson internalization, and including resources to support administrators.
- 1.2 Unit-Level Design: Materials include comprehensive unit overview, provide content knowledge and academic vocabulary for effective teaching, and suggestions to support families in their students’ success.
- 1.3 Lesson-Level Design: Material support educators in effective implementation through intentional lesson-level design.
- 2.1 Instructional Assessments: Materials include appropriate and defined instructional assessments aligned to TEKS at varying levels of complexity and offer guidance to educators on consistent administration of assessments.
- 2.2 Data Analysis and Progress Monitoring: Materials include guidance to interpret student performance and tools for students to track their growth and progress.
- 3.1 Differentiation and Scaffolds: Materials provide educators with guidance to pre-teach unfamiliar vocabulary and references and implement differentiated instruction.
- 3.2 Instructional Methods: Materials guide educators in effectively modeling, delivering, and facilitating lessons through explicit instructional approaches and varied practice opportunities.
- 3.3 Support for Emergent Bilingual Students: Materials provide educators with guidance on linguistic accommodations, bilingual/ESL program implementation, and support for emergent bilingual students, including resources for dual language immersion programs and metalinguistic transfer.
- 4.1 Explicit (Direct) and Systematic Phonics Instruction: Materials offer systematic and sequenced instruction in phonics and foundational skills, with explicit daily opportunities for practice, including isolated exercises, decodable texts, and cumulative review.
- 4.2 Daily Instructional Sequence and Routines: Materials ensure daily lessons provide explicit instruction with teacher modeling, guided practice with immediate feedback, and diverse opportunities for collaborative and independent student practice.
- 4.3 Ongoing Practice Opportunities: Materials incorporate intentional cumulative review and practice of explicitly taught phonics skills, using decodable texts and providing opportunities for isolated and connected practice.
- 4.4 Assessment: Materials provide developmentally appropriate assessment tools with clear administration guidelines, systematic progress monitoring, and year-long assessment opportunities aligned to grade-level phonics skills.
- 4.5 Progress Monitoring and Student Support: Materials offer data-management tools for tracking individual and whole-class progress, with guidance on progress monitoring frequency and strategies to accelerate learning toward mastery based on data analysis.
- 5.B.1 Oral Language Development: Materials provide explicit and systematic guidance for developing oral language through diverse methods, with opportunities for social and academic communication, active listening, discussion, and idea-sharing for various purposes and audiences.
- 5.C.2 Letter-Sound Correspondence: Materials explicitly and systematically introduce letter-sound relationships, guiding teachers in phoneme-letter instruction with corrective feedback, while offering diverse activities for students to practice and reinforce decoding skills in both isolated and connected text.
- 5.D.1 Phonological Awareness: Materials provide a systematic sequence for introducing phonological awareness, starting with simple skills and progressing to complex ones, offering explicit instruction with corrective feedback and diverse activities for practice and reinforcement aligned to grade-level TEKS.
- 5.D.2 Phonemic Awareness: Materials follow a systematic sequence for phonemic awareness, progressing from basic to complex skills, with explicit instruction and feedback, connecting phonemic awareness to the alphabetic principle, and providing varied activities for cumulative practice and reinforcement.
- 5.E.1 Sound-Spelling Patterns: Materials provide a systematic sequence for introducing grade-level sound-spelling patterns, offering explicit instructional guidance and diverse activities for students to develop, practice, and reinforce these patterns in both isolated words and decodable connected text.
- 5.E.2 Regular and Irregular High-Frequency Words: Materials systematically introduce and provide explicit instruction for regular and irregular high-frequency words, with varied activities for decoding, encoding, and practicing these words in both isolation and connected text.
- 5.E.3 Decoding and Encoding One-Syllable or Multisyllabic Words: Materials systematically introduce syllable types and division principles, with explicit instruction and varied activities for decoding and encoding one-syllable and multisyllabic words in both isolation and connected text.
- 5.E.4 Morphological Awareness: Materials systematically introduce grade-level morphemes, with explicit instruction and varied activities for recognizing, decoding, encoding, and comprehending words with morphemes in both isolation and connected text.
- 5.F.1 Vocabulary Development: Materials support students in determining the meaning of unfamiliar words using illustrations, context, and print or digital resources, with teacher guidance for explicit instruction and activities that encourage resource use for word meanings and pronunciations.
- 5.G.1 Reading Fluency: Materials provide lessons, activities, and tasks for modeling and practicing fluent reading skills with suggested teacher feedback, including word lists, decodable texts, and various practice settings to develop accuracy, fluency, prosody, and comprehension.
- 5.H.1 Handwriting Development: Materials offer explicit instruction on grade-level handwriting skills and provide frequent, authentic practice opportunities to develop these skills in alignment with current learning.
- 6.A.1 Connected Knowledge-Building Units and Lessons: Materials design units to build knowledge in various fields with a structured scope and sequence, focusing on extended topics and integrating grammar, vocabulary, discussion, and writing activities with the knowledge theme.
- 6.A.2 Context and Student Background Knowledge: Materials activate background knowledge by linking to prior grade-level content, connecting across units, and providing relevant context to enhance student engagement with the text.
- 6.A.3 Developing Student Comprehension with Connected Topics, Questions, and Tasks: Materials include questions and tasks that engage students with big ideas and themes, prompt synthesis of knowledge across texts and units, and require demonstration of understanding through connections across texts, with opportunities to apply learning beyond the classroom.
- 6.A.4 Key Academic Vocabulary and Grade-Level Concepts: Materials provide a year-long scope and sequence for building tier 2 and 3 academic vocabulary within knowledge-building contexts, with differentiated practice opportunities, purposeful tasks, and nonverbal techniques like images and visualization to support vocabulary acquisition.
- 6.B.1 Recursive Inquiry Process: Materials support students in asking questions, generating research plans, gathering information from various sources, and distinguishing between primary and secondary sources through guided activities and tasks.
- 7.1 High-Quality Grade-Level Texts: Materials include grade-level TEKS-required text types and genres, with complex, high-quality core texts and a range of traditional, contemporary, and diverse texts that reflect students' backgrounds and experiences.
- 7.2 Interaction with Grade-Level Texts: Materials include grade-level TEKS-required text types and genres, with complex, high-quality core texts and a range of traditional, contemporary, and diverse texts that reflect students' backgrounds and experiences.
- 7.3 Supporting Access to Grade-Level Text: Materials include teacher guidance and scaffolds to ensure all students access grade-level texts while maintaining rigor and offer opportunities for proficient students to engage in further text analysis.
- 7.4 Analysis of Text Complexity: Materials include both quantitative and qualitative analyses of core texts, with a rationale for their educational purpose and grade-level placement, ensuring they match the required complexity for student tasks.
- 7.5 Read-Aloud, Shared Reading, and Independent Reading: Materials include complex, age-appropriate read-aloud texts with scaffolds, a range of independent reading texts, and a plan for students to self-select and read high-quality texts independently with goal setting and accountability.
- 8.A.1 Use of Text Evidence: Materials include text-dependent questions and tasks that require students to use evidence to demonstrate comprehension, justify thinking, and support claims, evaluating text elements at various cognitive levels.
- 8.A.2 Teacher Guidance for the Use of Text Evidence: Materials guide teachers in modeling text evidence for claims and responses and in structuring evidence-based discussions with academic vocabulary.
- 8.B.1 Genre Characteristics and Craft to Compose Multiple Texts: Materials include mentor texts for modeling various text types, with opportunities for students to compose literary, informational, and correspondence texts, each with genre-specific characteristics and craft.
- 8.B.2 Writing Process: Materials support the writing process with age-appropriate conventions and provide teacher guidance for modeling and supporting each stage, including conferencing and revising.
- 8.B.3 Explicit (Direct) and Systematic Writing Instruction: Materials offer guidance for explicit instruction in sentence-level writing, focusing on structure, syntax, and vocabulary, and provide systematic opportunities for students to develop, revise, and edit sentences into compositions.
- 8.B.4 Grade-Level Standard English Conventions: Materials offer guidance for explicit instruction in sentence-level writing, focusing on structure, syntax, and vocabulary, and provide systematic opportunities for students to develop, revise, and edit sentences into compositions.
- No challenges were indicated for this material
Bluebonnet Learning is a K–5 Reading Language Arts program. It offers a comprehensive and structured approach to literacy and phonics instruction, integrating phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension into every lesson. The instructional materials provides specific daily instructional guidance, sequences, and routines, including modeling, small group instruction, and reading and writing applications.
Campus and district instructional leaders should consider the following:
- The program builds on learning from previous grade levels, often referring to skills and topics learned in previous years. The product and lesson plans feature structured activities such as phonics review, small group instruction, independent reading opportunities, reading review, and writing application exercises.
- Teachers are provided with instructional guidance to differentiate instruction for varying levels of emergent bilingual students, extension activities for high-achieving students, and small group interventions. Each unit includes a detailed introduction for teachers, including background knowledge and previous learning from the Bluebonnet Learning program.
Grade 3 Quality Review Summary
Rubric Section | Quality Rating |
- Intentional Instructional Design
| 53 / 53 |
- Progress Monitoring
| 28 / 28 |
- Support for All Learners
| 32 / 32 |
- Phonics Rule Compliance
| 36 / 36 |
- Foundational Skills
| 198 / 198 |
- Knowledge Coherence
| 54 / 54 |
- Text Quality and Complexity
| 38 / 38 |
- Evidence-Based Tasks and Responses
| 74 / 74 |
- 1.1 Course-Level Design: Materials adhere to TEKS, ELPS, concepts, and knowledge taught. They apply appropriate pacing while providing explanations for concepts, guiding for lesson internalization, and including resources to support administrators.
- 1.2 Unit-Level Design: Materials include comprehensive unit overview, provide content knowledge and academic vocabulary for effective teaching, and suggestions to support families in their students' success.
- 1.3 Lesson-Level Design: Material support educators in effective implementation through intentional lesson-level design.
- 2.1 Instructional Assessments: Materials include appropriate and defined instructional assessments aligned to TEKS at varying levels of complexity, and offer guidance to educators on consistent administration of assessments.
- 2.2 Data Analysis and Progress Monitoring: Materials include guidance to interpret student performance and tools for students to track their own growth and progress.
- 3.1 Differentiation and Scaffolds: Materials provide educators with guidance to pre-teach unfamiliar vocabulary and references and implement differentiated instruction.
- 3.2 Instructional Methods: Materials guide educators in effectively modeling, delivering, and facilitating lessons through explicit instructional approaches and varied practice opportunities.
- 3.3 Support for Emergent Bilingual Students: Materials provide educators with guidance on linguistic accommodations, bilingual/ESL program implementation, and support for emergent bilingual students, including resources for dual language immersion programs and metalinguistic transfer.
- 4.1 Explicit (Direct) and Systematic Phonics Instruction: Materials offer systematic and sequenced instruction in phonics and foundational skills, with explicit daily opportunities for practice, including isolated exercises, decodable texts, and cumulative review.
- 4.2 Daily Instructional Sequence and Routines: Materials ensure daily lessons provide explicit instruction with teacher modeling, guided practice with immediate feedback, and diverse opportunities for collaborative and independent student practice.
- 4.3 Ongoing Practice Opportunities: Materials incorporate intentional cumulative review and practice of explicitly taught phonics skills, using decodable texts and providing opportunities for isolated and connected practice.
- 4.4 Assessment: Materials provide developmentally appropriate assessment tools with clear administration guidelines, systematic progress monitoring, and year-long assessment opportunities aligned to grade-level phonics skills.
- 4.5 Progress Monitoring and Student Support: Materials offer data-management tools for tracking individual and whole-class progress, with guidance on progress monitoring frequency and strategies to accelerate learning toward mastery based on data analysis.
- 5.B.1 Oral Language Development: Materials provide explicit and systematic guidance for developing oral language through diverse methods, with opportunities for social and academic communication, active listening, discussion, and idea-sharing for various purposes and audiences.
- 5.C.2 Letter-Sound Correspondence: Materials explicitly and systematically introduce letter-sound relationships, guiding teachers in phoneme-letter instruction with corrective feedback, while offering diverse activities for students to practice and reinforce decoding skills in both isolated and connected text.
- 5.E.1 Sound-Spelling Patterns: Materials provide a systematic sequence for introducing grade-level sound-spelling patterns, offering explicit instructional guidance and diverse activities for students to develop, practice, and reinforce these patterns in both isolated words and decodable connected text.
- 5.E.2 Regular and Irregular High-Frequency Words: Materials systematically introduce and provide explicit instruction for regular and irregular high-frequency words, with varied activities for decoding, encoding, and practicing these words in both isolation and connected text.
- 5.E.3 Decoding and Encoding One-Syllable or Multisyllabic Words: Materials systematically introduce syllable types and division principles, with explicit instruction and varied activities for decoding and encoding one-syllable and multisyllabic words in both isolation and connected text.
- 5.E.4 Morphological Awareness: Materials systematically introduce grade-level morphemes, with explicit instruction and varied activities for recognizing, decoding, encoding, and comprehending words with morphemes in both isolation and connected text.
- 5.F.1 Vocabulary Development: Materials help students determine the meaning of unfamiliar words using illustrations, context, and print or digital resources. They include teacher guidance for explicit instruction and tasks for students to use these resources to find word meanings, pronunciation, and syllabication.
- 5.G.1 Reading Fluency: Materials provide lessons, activities, and tasks for modeling and practicing fluent reading skills with suggested teacher feedback, including word lists, decodable texts, and various practice settings to develop accuracy, fluency, prosody, and comprehension.
- 5.H.1 Handwriting Development: Materials offer explicit instruction on grade-level handwriting skills and provide frequent, authentic practice opportunities to develop these skills in alignment with current learning.
- 6.A.1 Connected Knowledge-Building Units and Lessons: Materials design units to build knowledge in various fields with a structured scope and sequence, focusing on extended topics and integrating grammar, vocabulary, discussion, and writing activities with the knowledge theme.
- 6.A.2 Context and Student Background Knowledge: Materials activate background knowledge by linking to prior grade-level content, connecting across units, and providing relevant context to enhance student engagement with the text.
- 6.A.3 Context and Student Background Knowledge: Materials activate background knowledge by linking to prior grade-level content, connecting across units, and providing relevant context to enhance student engagement with the text.
- 6.A.4 Key Academic Vocabulary and Grade-Level Concepts: Materials provide a year-long scope and sequence for building tier 2 and 3 academic vocabulary within knowledge-building contexts, with differentiated practice opportunities, purposeful tasks, and nonverbal techniques like images and visualization to support vocabulary acquisition.
- 6.B.1 Recursive Inquiry Process: Materials support students in asking questions, generating research plans, gathering information from various sources, and distinguishing between primary and secondary sources through guided activities and tasks.
- 7.1 High-Quality Grade-Level Texts: Materials include grade-level TEKS-required text types and genres, with complex, high-quality core texts and a range of traditional, contemporary, and diverse texts that reflect students' backgrounds and experiences.
- 7.2 Interaction with Grade-Level Text: Materials provide opportunities in each lesson for students to interact with, respond to, and discuss grade-level texts, engaging in various reading skills such as questioning, predicting, inferring, analyzing, and synthesizing.
- 7.3 Supporting Access to Grade-Level Text: Materials include teacher guidance and scaffolds to ensure all students access grade-level texts while maintaining rigor, and offer opportunities for proficient students to engage in further text analysis.
- 7.4 Analysis of Text Complexity: Materials include both quantitative and qualitative analyses of core texts, with a rationale for their educational purpose and grade-level placement, ensuring they match the required complexity for student tasks.
- 7.5 Read-Aloud, Shared Reading, and Independent Reading: Materials include complex, age-appropriate read-aloud texts with scaffolds, a range of independent reading texts, and a plan for students to self-select and read high-quality texts independently with goal setting and accountability.
- 8.A.1 Use of Text Evidence: Materials include text-dependent questions and tasks that require students to use evidence to demonstrate comprehension, justify thinking, and support claims, evaluating text elements at various cognitive levels.
- 8.A.2 Teacher Guidance for the Use of Text Evidence: Materials guide teachers in modeling text evidence for claims and responses and in structuring evidence-based discussions with academic vocabulary.
- 8.B.1 Genre Characteristics and Craft to Compose Multiple Texts: Materials include mentor texts that model various text types, offering students opportunities to compose literary, informational, argumentative, and correspondence texts for different purposes and audiences, each with genre-specific characteristics and craft.
- 8.B.2 Writing Process: Materials support the writing process with age-appropriate conventions and provide teacher guidance for modeling and supporting each stage, including conferencing and revising.
- 8.B.3 Explicit (Direct) and Systematic Writing Instruction: Materials offer guidance for explicit instruction in sentence-level writing, focusing on structure, syntax, and vocabulary, and provide systematic opportunities for students to develop, revise, and edit sentences into compositions.
- 8.B.4 Grade-Level Standard English Conventions: Materials offer guidance for explicit instruction in sentence-level writing, focusing on structure, syntax, and vocabulary, and provide systematic opportunities for students to develop, revise, and edit sentences into compositions.
- No challenges were indicated for this material
Bluebonnet Learning is a K–5 Reading Language Arts program. It offers a comprehensive and structured approach to literacy and phonics instruction, integrating phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension into every lesson. The materials provide specific daily instructional guidance, sequences, and routines, including modeling, small group instruction, and reading and writing applications.
Campus and district instructional leaders should consider the following:
- The program builds on learning from previous grade levels, often referring to skills and topics learned in previous years. The product and lesson plans feature structured activities such as phonics review, small group instruction, independent reading opportunities, comprehension practice, and writing exercises.
- Teachers are provided with instructional guidance to differentiate instruction for varying levels of emergent bilingual students, extension activities for high-achieving students, and small group interventions. Each unit includes a detailed introduction for teachers, including background knowledge and previous learning from the Bluebonnet Learning program.
Grade 4 Quality Review Summary
Rubric Section | Quality Rating |
- Intentional Instructional Design
| 53 / 53 |
- Progress Monitoring
| 28 / 28 |
- Supports for All Learners
| 32 / 32 |
- Foundational Skills
| 106 / 109 |
- Knowledge Coherence
| 52 / 52 |
- Text Quality and Complexity
| 33 / 34 |
- Evidence-Based Tasks and Responses
| 74 / 74 |
- 1.1 Course-Level Design: Materials include a scope and sequence with pacing guides, rationale for unit order, lesson internalization templates, and resources for administrators and coaches to support implementation.
- 1.2 Unit-Level Design: Materials include comprehensive unit overviews with background content knowledge and academic vocabulary, along with bilingual family supports to help track student progress.
- 1.3 Lesson-Level Design: Materials include detailed lesson plans with objectives, tasks, assessments, timing, necessary materials, and guidance for extended practice to meet content and language standards.
- 2.1 Instructional Assessments: Materials include a variety of instructional assessments (diagnostic, formative, and summative) with clear purposes, teacher guidance for consistent administration, and alignment to TEKS and varying levels of complexity.
- 2.2 Data Analysis and Progress Monitoring: Materials include guidance for interpreting student performance, responding to trends, and tools for students to track their own progress and growth.
- 3.1 Differentiation and Scaffolds: Materials include teacher guidance for differentiated instruction, pre-teaching supports for unfamiliar vocabulary, and enrichment activities for students at different proficiency levels.
- 3.2 Instructional Methods: Materials provide prompts, guidance for explicit teaching, recommendations for lesson delivery, and support for various instructional approaches and practice structures.
- 3.3 Support for Emergent Bilingual Students: Materials include guidance on linguistic accommodations, bilingual/ESL program implementation, support for emergent bilingual students, and resources for dual language immersion programs.
- 4.A.1 Oral Language Development: Materials include guidance for supporting opinion expression and presentations, following and giving oral instructions, and engaging in active listening, questioning, and discussion.
- 4.B.3 Decoding and Encoding Multisyllabic Words: Materials include a systematic sequence for introducing syllable types and division principles, guidance for explicit instruction, and varied activities for students to practice decoding and encoding multisyllabic words both in isolation and connected text.
- 4.B.4 Morphological Awareness: Materials include a systematic sequence for introducing grade-level morphemes, guidance for explicit instruction on using morphemes for decoding and comprehension, and various activities for students to practice and reinforce morphological skills both in isolation and connected text.
- 4.C.1 Vocabulary Development: Materials include guidance for explicit instruction on using print and digital resources like dictionaries and glossaries, provide resources for students to determine vocabulary meaning and pronunciation, and support the use of context to understand unfamiliar words.
- 4.D.1 Reading Fluency: Materials include a variety of grade-level texts to support fluent reading, practice activities for word reading fluency in different settings, tools and strategies for teachers to support self-sustained reading, and texts of varying complexity for developing accuracy, fluency, and comprehension.
- 5.A.1 Connected Knowledge-Building Units and Lessons: Materials include units that build knowledge across subjects with a clear scope and sequence, extended focus on related topics, and lessons connected by anchoring texts, integrating grammar, vocabulary, and writing activities.
- 5.A.2 Context and Student Background Knowledge: Materials activate background knowledge by connecting to prior grade content, across units within a grade, and by providing relevant context to enhance student engagement with the text.
- 5.A.3 Developing Student Comprehension with Connected Topics, Questions, and Tasks: Materials include questions and tasks that engage students with big ideas and themes, prompt synthesis across texts and lessons, require demonstrations of unit knowledge through text connections, and offer opportunities to apply understanding beyond the classroom.
- 5.A.4 Key Academic Vocabulary and Grade-Level Concepts: Materials provide a year-long scope and sequence for tier 2 and 3 vocabulary development, include differentiated practice with appropriate supports, engage students in purposeful use of academic vocabulary, and incorporate nonverbal teaching techniques like images and visualization.
- 5.B.1 Recursive Inquiry Process: Materials provide opportunities for critical inquiry, including generating questions, planning, gathering and synthesizing information, differentiate between primary and secondary sources, and understand paraphrasing versus plagiarism.
- 6.2 Interaction with Grade-Level Text: Materials ensure each lesson includes opportunities for students to interact with, critically respond to, discuss, and engage in various reading skills with grade-level texts.
- 6.3 Supporting Access to Grade-Level Text: Materials provide teacher guidance and supports with scaffolds for accessing grade-level texts and offer opportunities for proficient students to engage in deeper analysis.
- 6.4 Analysis of Text Complexity: Materials include analysis and rationale for each core text’s educational purpose and complexity, ensuring they align with grade-level expectations and student tasks.
- 6.5 Self-Sustained Independent Reading: Materials provide explicit guidance for monitoring comprehension and accountability during independent reading, offer texts of varying complexity for practice, and include a plan for students to self-select and read high-quality texts independently with set goals.
- 7.A.1 Use of Text Evidence: Materials include text-dependent questions and tasks requiring students to use evidence from texts to demonstrate comprehension, evaluate language and structure, and support claims through various strategies, with tasks designed at multiple cognitive levels.
- 7.A.2 Teacher Guidance for the Use of Text Evidence: Materials provide guidance for teachers on modeling the use of text evidence for claims and responses, and on structuring opportunities for evidence-based discussions using academic vocabulary and syntax.
- 7.B.1 Genre Characteristics and Craft to Compose Multiple Texts: Materials provide mentor texts for various text types, and opportunities for students to compose literary, informational, argumentative, and correspondence texts with genre-specific characteristics and craft.
- 7.B.2 Writing Process: Materials support students through the writing process with guidance on planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing, including explicit instruction and teacher support for each stage.
- 7.B.3 Explicit (Direct) and Systematic Writing Instruction: Materials include guidance for teachers on explicit instruction in sentence-level writing, focusing on structure, syntax, and vocabulary, and provide systematic opportunities for students to build sentence-level skills into full compositions.
- 7.B.4 Grade-Level Standard English Conventions: Materials include opportunities for practicing academic language conventions, including sentence structure and grammar, both in and out of context, with a focus on correct capitalization, punctuation, and usage according to grade-level TEKS.
- 4.B.1 Sound-Spelling Patterns (4-5): Materials do not include systematic sequence for introducing grade-level sound-spelling patterns, as outlined in the TEKS.
- 4.E.1 Handwriting Development: Materials do not include explicit instruction on the teaching of handwriting skills appropriate for each grade level and connected to current student learning.
- 6.1 High-Quality Grade-Level Texts: Materials do not use core texts that have been evaluated using research-based measures of text complexity.
Bluebonnet Learning Grade 4 Reading Language Arts, Edition 1 is part of the K–5 Reading Language Arts program. The grade 4 program contains an in-depth, integrated, and accessible approach to English Language Arts. Teachers and students are supported with high-quality texts that address comprehension, fluency, decoding, encoding, and vocabulary acquisition. The materials include teacher guidance, multiple genres, student activity books, and essential questions. Additionally, the program includes family support resources such as family support letters in English and Spanish that align with each lesson and unit objective.
Campus and district instructional leaders should consider the following:
- Core texts are varied in topics and purposes and will appeal to young readers. Core text genres include literary nonfiction, fairy tales, folktales, poetry, informational text, and drama. The core texts anchor reading response, comprehension, author’s purpose, and inquiry.
- The materials are intentionally designed to build a deep understanding of content knowledge in history, math, science, literature, and the arts through an integrated approach. The materials intentionally design units through a multi-year learning sequence to make connections and build knowledge of topics.
- The materials include mentor texts that serve as models for students to compose various types of writing according to the grade 4 TEKS. The mentor texts reinforce the understanding of the organization and structure of a high-quality text.
- The program includes print and digital components to support students in determining the meaning, syllabication, pronunciation, word origin, and part of speech of vocabulary. The materials also support students in using context to determine the meaning of unknown words or new vocabulary words through guided instruction and context clues.
Grade 5 Quality Review Summary
Rubric Section | Quality Rating |
- Intentional Instructional Design
| 53 / 53 |
- Progress Monitoring
| 28 / 28 |
- Supports for All Learners
| 32 / 32 |
- Foundational Skills
| 106 / 109 |
- Knowledge Coherence
| 52 / 52 |
- Text Quality and Complexity
| 33 / 34 |
- Evidence-Based Tasks and Responses
| 74 / 74 |
- 1.1 Course-Level Design: Materials include a scope and sequence with pacing guides, rationale for unit order, lesson internalization templates, and resources for administrators and coaches to support implementation.
- 1.2 Unit-Level Design: Materials include comprehensive unit overviews with background content knowledge and academic vocabulary, along with bilingual family supports to help track student progress.
- 1.3 Lesson-Level Design: Materials include detailed lesson plans with objectives, tasks, assessments, timing, necessary materials, and guidance for extended practice to meet content and language standards.
- 2.1 Instructional Assessments: Materials include a variety of instructional assessments (diagnostic, formative, and summative) with clear purposes, teacher guidance for consistent administration, and alignment to TEKS and varying levels of complexity.
- 2.2 Data Analysis and Progress Monitoring: Materials include guidance for interpreting student performance, responding to trends, and tools for students to track their own progress and growth.
- 3.1 Differentiation and Scaffolds: Materials include teacher guidance for differentiated instruction, pre-teaching supports for unfamiliar vocabulary, and enrichment activities for students at different proficiency levels.
- 3.2 Instructional Methods: Materials provide prompts, guidance for explicit teaching, recommendations for lesson delivery, and support for various instructional approaches and practice structures.
- 3.3 Support for Emergent Bilingual Students: Materials include guidance on linguistic accommodations, bilingual/ESL program implementation, support for emergent bilingual students, and resources for dual language immersion programs.
- 4.A.1 Oral Language Development: Materials include guidance for supporting opinion expression and presentations, following and giving oral instructions, and engaging in active listening, questioning, and discussion.
- 4.B.3 Decoding and Encoding Multisyllabic Words: Materials include a systematic sequence for introducing syllable types and division principles, guidance for explicit instruction, and varied activities for students to practice decoding and encoding multisyllabic words both in isolation and connected text.
- 4.B.4 Morphological Awareness: Materials include a systematic sequence for introducing grade-level morphemes, guidance for explicit instruction on using morphemes for decoding and comprehension, and various activities for students to practice and reinforce morphological skills both in isolation and connected text.
- 4.C.1 Vocabulary Development: Materials include guidance for explicit instruction on using print and digital resources like dictionaries and glossaries, provide resources for students to determine vocabulary meaning and pronunciation, and support the use of context to understand unfamiliar words.
- 4.D.1 Reading Fluency: Materials include a variety of grade-level texts to support fluent reading, practice activities for word reading fluency in different settings, tools and strategies for teachers to support self-sustained reading, and texts of varying complexity for developing accuracy, fluency, and comprehension.
- 5.A.1 Connected Knowledge-Building Units and Lessons: Materials include units that build knowledge across subjects with a clear scope and sequence, extended focus on related topics, and lessons connected by anchoring texts, integrating grammar, vocabulary, and writing activities.
- 5.A.2 Context and Student Background Knowledge: Materials activate background knowledge by connecting to prior grade content, across units within a grade, and by providing relevant context to enhance student engagement with the text.
- 5.A.3 Developing Student Comprehension with Connected Topics, Questions, and Tasks: Materials include questions and tasks that engage students with big ideas and themes, prompt synthesis across texts and lessons, require demonstrations of unit knowledge through text connections, and offer opportunities to apply understanding beyond the classroom.
- 5.A.4 Key Academic Vocabulary and Grade-Level Concepts: Materials provide a year-long scope and sequence for tier 2 and 3 vocabulary development, include differentiated practice with appropriate supports, engage students in purposeful use of academic vocabulary, and incorporate nonverbal teaching techniques like images and visualization.
- 5.B.1 Recursive Inquiry Process: Materials provide opportunities for critical inquiry, including generating questions, planning, gathering and synthesizing information, differentiate between primary and secondary sources, and understand paraphrasing versus plagiarism.
- 6.2 Interaction with Grade-Level Text: Materials ensure each lesson includes opportunities for students to interact with, critically respond to, discuss, and engage in various reading skills with grade-level texts.
- 6.3 Supporting Access to Grade-Level Text: Materials provide teacher guidance and supports with scaffolds for accessing grade-level texts and offer opportunities for proficient students to engage in deeper analysis.
- 6.4 Analysis of Text Complexity: Materials include analysis and rationale for each core text’s educational purpose and complexity, ensuring they align with grade-level expectations and student tasks.
- 6.5 Self-Sustained Independent Reading: Materials provide explicit guidance for monitoring comprehension and accountability during independent reading, offer texts of varying complexity for practice, and include a plan for students to self-select and read high-quality texts independently with set goals.
- 7.A.1 Use of Text Evidence: Materials include text-dependent questions and tasks requiring students to use evidence from texts to demonstrate comprehension, evaluate language and structure, and support claims through various strategies, with tasks designed at multiple cognitive levels.
- 7.A.2 Teacher Guidance for the Use of Text Evidence: Materials provide guidance for teachers on modeling the use of text evidence for claims and responses, and on structuring opportunities for evidence-based discussions using academic vocabulary and syntax.
- 7.B.1 Genre Characteristics and Craft to Compose Multiple Texts: Materials provide mentor texts for various text types, and opportunities for students to compose literary, informational, argumentative, and correspondence texts with genre-specific characteristics and craft.
- 7.B.2 Writing Process: Materials support students through the writing process with guidance on planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing, including explicit instruction and teacher support for each stage.
- 7.B.3 Explicit (Direct) and Systematic Writing Instruction: Materials include guidance for teachers on explicit instruction in sentence-level writing, focusing on structure, syntax, and vocabulary, and provide systematic opportunities for students to build sentence-level skills into full compositions.
- 7.B.4 Grade-Level Standard English Conventions: Materials include opportunities for practicing academic language conventions, including sentence structure and grammar, both in and out of context, with a focus on correct capitalization, punctuation, and usage according to grade-level TEKS.
- 4.B.1 Sound-Spelling Patterns (4-5): Materials do not include systematic sequence for introducing grade-level sound-spelling patterns, as outlined in the TEKS.
- 4.E.1 Handwriting Development: Materials do not include explicit instruction on the teaching of handwriting skills appropriate for each grade level and connected to current student learning.
- 6.1 High-Quality Grade-Level Texts: Materials do not support instruction at grade level when evaluated using research-based measure of text complexity.
Bluebonnet Learning is part of the K–5 Reading Language Arts program. The grade 5 program contains an in-depth, integrated, and accessible approach to English Language Arts. Teachers and students are supported with high-quality texts that address comprehension, fluency, decoding, encoding, and vocabulary acquisition. The materials include teacher guidance, multiple genres, student activity books, and essential questions. Additionally, the program includes family support resources such as family support letters in English and Spanish that align with each lesson and unit objective.
Campus and district instructional leaders should consider the following:
- Core texts are varied in topics and purposes and will appeal to young readers. Core text genres include literary nonfiction, fairy tales, folktales, poetry, informational text, and drama. The core texts anchor reading response, comprehension, author’s purpose, and inquiry.
- The materials are intentionally designed to build a deep understanding of content knowledge in history, math, science, literature, and the arts through an integrated approach. The materials intentionally design units through a multi-year learning sequence to make connections and build knowledge of topics.
- The materials include mentor texts that serve as models for students to compose various types of writing according to the grade 5 TEKS. The mentor texts reinforce the understanding of the organization and structure of a high-quality text.
- The program includes print and digital components to support students in determining the meaning, syllabication, pronunciation, word origin, and part of speech of vocabulary. The materials also support students in using context to determine the meaning of unknown words or new vocabulary words through guided instruction and context clues.