By Subject/Grade Math: IMRA Mathematics K-12 Kindergarten Texas Kindergarten ELAR Phonics Instructional Materials ELAR: Foundational Literacy Grades K-2 Kindergarten SLAR: Phonics: IMRA Spanish Phonics K-3 Kindergarten ELAR: Phonics: IMRA English Phonics K-3 Kindergarten Texas Kindergarten Math Instructional Materials Texas Kindergarten SLAR Phonics Instructional Materials Texas Kindergarten English Language Arts and Reading (ELAR) Instructional Materials SLAR: IMRA SLAR K-3 Kindergarten ELAR: IMRA ELAR K-3 Kindergarten Texas Kindergarten Spanish Language Arts and Reading (SLAR) Instructional Materials Science: Science K-8 Kindergarten Math: IMRA Mathematics K-12 Grade 1 Texas Grade 1 ELAR Phonics Instructional Materials ELAR: Foundational Literacy Grades K-2 Grade 1 SLAR: Phonics: IMRA Spanish Phonics K-3 Grade 1 ELAR: Phonics: IMRA English Phonics K-3 Grade 1 Texas Grade 1 Math Instructional Materials Texas Grade 1 SLAR Phonics Instructional Materials Texas Grade 1 English Language Arts and Reading (ELAR) Instructional Materials SLAR: IMRA SLAR K-3 Grade 1 ELAR: IMRA ELAR K-3 Grade 1 Texas Grade 1 Spanish Language Arts and Reading (SLAR) Instructional Materials Science: Science K-8 Grade 1 Texas Grade 2 Spanish Language Arts and Reading (SLAR) Instructional Materials Science: Science K-8 Grade 2 Math: IMRA Mathematics K-12 Grade 2 Texas Grade 2 ELAR Phonics Instructional Materials ELAR: Foundational Literacy Grades K-2 Grade 2 SLAR: Phonics: IMRA Spanish Phonics K-3 Grade 2 ELAR: Phonics: IMRA English Phonics K-3 Grade 2 Texas Grade 2 Math Instructional Materials Texas Grade 2 SLAR Phonics Instructional Materials Texas Grade 2 English Language Arts and Reading (ELAR) Instructional Materials SLAR: IMRA SLAR K-3 Grade 2 ELAR: IMRA ELAR K-3 Grade 2 ELAR: IMRA ELAR K-3 Grade 3 Texas Grade 3 English Language Arts and Reading (ELAR) Instructional Materials Science: Science K-8 Grade 3 Math: IMRA Mathematics K-12 Grade 3 Texas Grade 3 ELAR Phonics Instructional Materials Texas Grade 3 Spanish Language Arts and Reading (SLAR) Instructional Materials SLAR: Phonics: IMRA Spanish Phonics K-3 Grade 3 ELAR: Phonics: IMRA English Phonics K-3 Grade 3 Texas Grade 3 Math Instructional Materials Texas Grade 3 SLAR Phonics Curriculum and Other Instructional Materials SLAR: IMRA SLAR K-3 Grade 3 SLAR: IMRA SLAR 4-6 Grade 4 ELAR: IMRA ELAR 4-8 Grade 4 Science: Science K-8 Grade 4 Math: IMRA Mathematics K-12 Grade 4 SLAR: SLAR 3-6 Grade 4 Texas Grade 4 English Language Arts and Reading (ELAR) Instructional Materials Texas Grade 4 Math Instructional Materials SLAR: IMRA SLAR 4-6 Grade 5 ELAR: IMRA ELAR 4-8 Grade 5 Science: Science K-8 Grade 5 Texas Grade 5 English Language Arts and Reading (ELAR) Instructional Materials Math: IMRA Mathematics K-12 Grade 5 SLAR: SLAR 3-6 Grade 5 Texas Grade 5 Math Instructional Materials Texas Grade 6 Math Instructional Materials SLAR: IMRA SLAR 4-6 Grade 6 ELAR: IMRA ELAR 4-8 Grade 6 Texas Grade 6 English Language Arts and Reading (ELAR) Instructional Materials Science: Science K-8 Grade 6 Math: IMRA Mathematics K-12 Grade 6 SLAR: SLAR 3–6 Grade 6 Texas Grade 7 Math Instructional Materials Texas Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading (ELAR) Instructional Materials ELAR: IMRA ELAR 4-8 Grade 7 Science: Science K-8 Grade 7 Math: IMRA Mathematics K-12 Grade 7 Texas Grade 8 Math Instructional Materials Texas Grade 8 English Language Arts and Reading (ELAR) Instructional Materials ELAR: IMRA ELAR 4-8 Grade 8 Science: Science K-8 Grade 8 Math: IMRA Mathematics K-12 Grade 8 Science: Science 9-12 Grade 9 Math: IMRA Mathematics K-12 Grade 9 Texas Grade 9 English Language Arts and Reading (ELAR) Instructional Materials Math: IMRA Mathematics K-12 Grade 10 Texas Grade 10 English Language Arts and Reading (ELAR) Instructional Materials Science: Science 9-12 Grade 10 Math: IMRA Mathematics K-12 Grade 11 Science: Science 9-12 Grade 11 Science: Science 9-12 Grade 12 Math: IMRA Mathematics K-12 Grade 12 Pre-K: Prekindergarten Systems Pre-K Spanish Pre-K: Spanish Prekindergarten Systems Pre-K
Programs 95 Phonics Core Program Classroom Kit: Grade 1 95 Phonics Core Program Classroom Kit: Grade 2 95 Phonics Core Program Classroom Kit: Grade 3 95 Phonics Core Program Classroom Kit: Grade K Agile Mind Texas Algebra I Agile Mind Texas Algebra II Agile Mind Texas Geometry Agile Mind Texas Mathematics 6 Agile Mind Texas Mathematics 7 Agile Mind Texas Mathematics 8 Algebra I Algebraic Reasoning Amplify Texas Habilidades y Destrezas, Grade 1 Amplify Texas Habilidades y Destrezas, Grade 2 Amplify Texas Habilidades y Destrezas, Grade K Amplify Texas Skills, Grade 1 Amplify Texas Skills, Grade 2 Amplify Texas Skills, Grade 3 Amplify Texas Skills, Grade K Bluebonnet Learning Math, Grade 1 Bluebonnet Learning Math, Grade 2 Bluebonnet Learning Math, Grade 3 Bluebonnet Learning Math, Grade 4 Bluebonnet Learning Math, Grade 5 Bluebonnet Learning Math, Grade K Bluebonnet Learning RLA, Grade 1 Bluebonnet Learning RLA, Grade 2 Bluebonnet Learning RLA, Grade 3 Bluebonnet Learning RLA, Grade 4 Bluebonnet Learning RLA, Grade 5 Bluebonnet Learning RLA, Grade K Bluebonnet Learning Secondary Mathematics, Algebra I Bluebonnet Learning Secondary Mathematics, Grade 6 Bluebonnet Learning Secondary Mathematics, Grade 7 Bluebonnet Learning Secondary Mathematics, Grade 8 Bridge to Reading, Grade 1 Bridge to Reading, Grade 2 Bridge to Reading, Grade 3 Bridge to Reading, Grade K El camino al éxito, Grade K El próximo paso al éxito, Grade 1 From Phonics to Reading, Grade 1 From Phonics to Reading, Grade 2 From Phonics to Reading, Grade 3 From Phonics to Reading, Grade K Fundations, Grade 1 Fundations, Grade 2 Fundations, Grade K IMSE Comprehensive Orton-Gillingham Plus, Grade 1 Phonics IMSE Comprehensive Orton-Gillingham Plus, Grade 2 Phonics IMSE Comprehensive Orton-Gillingham Plus, Grade 3 Phonics IMSE Comprehensive Orton-Gillingham Plus, Grade K Phonics In Tandem, Grade 1 In Tandem, Grade 2 In Tandem, Grade K Just Right Reader First Grade Phonics Program Just Right Reader Kindergarten Phonics Program Just Right Reader Second Grade Phonics Program Math, Grade 6 Math, Grade 7 Math, Grade 8 Método Onomatopéyico 1º Curso - Onomatopoeic Program, Grade 1 Método Onomatopéyico 2º Curso - Onomatopoeic Program, Grade 2 Método Onomatopéyico 3º Curso - Onomatopoeic Program, Grade 3 Método Onomatopéyico KG - Onomatopoeic Program, Grade K Phonics Launch, Grade 1 Phonics Launch, Grade 2 Phonics Launch, Grade 3 Phonics Launch, Grade K Programa de Fonética de 1er. Grado de Just Right Reader Programa de Fonética de 2do. Grado de Just Right Reader Programa de Fonética de Kindergarten de Just Right Reader Progressions by Alba Math, Grade 1 Progressions by Alba Math, Grade K ReadBright Phonics, Grade 1 Readbright Phonics, Grade 2 Reading Horizons Discovery, Grade 1 Reading Horizons Discovery, Grade 2 Reading Horizons Discovery, Grade 3 Reading Horizons Discovery, Grade K Ready4Reading, Grade 1 Ready4Reading, Grade 2 Ready4Reading, Grade 3 Ready4Reading, Grade K S.P.I.R.E® 4th Edition, Grade 1 S.P.I.R.E® 4th Edition, Grade 2 S.P.I.R.E® 4th Edition, Grade 3 S.P.I.R.E® 4th Edition, Grade K Statistics and Probability with Applications STEMscopes Texas Math, Algebra I STEMscopes Texas Math, Grade 1 STEMscopes Texas Math, Grade 2 STEMscopes Texas Math, Grade 3 STEMscopes Texas Math, Grade 4 STEMscopes Texas Math, Grade 5 STEMscopes Texas Math, Grade 6 STEMscopes Texas Math, Grade 7 STEMscopes Texas Math, Grade 8 STEMscopes Texas Math, Grade K Stepping Together, Grade 1 Stepping Together, Grade 2 Stepping Together, Grade K Structured Literacy with E.A.S.E. Second Edition, Grade 1 Structured Literacy with E.A.S.E. Second Edition, Grade 2 Structured Literacy with E.A.S.E. Second Edition, Grade K Texas i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 1 Texas i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 2 Texas i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 3 Texas i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 4 Texas i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 5 Texas i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 6 Texas i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 7 Texas i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 8 Texas i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade K Texas Magnetic Reading Foundations, Grade 1 Texas Magnetic Reading Foundations, Grade 2 Texas Magnetic Reading Foundations, Grade K Texas Math: Algebra I Powered by Kiddom Texas Math: Algebra II Powered by Kiddom Texas Math: Algebra Supports Powered by Kiddom Texas Math: Geometry Powered by Kiddom Texas Math: Grade 1 Powered by Kiddom Texas Math: Grade 2 Powered by Kiddom Texas Math: Grade 3 Powered by Kiddom Texas Math: Grade 4 Powered by Kiddom Texas Math: Grade 5 Powered by Kiddom Texas Math: Grade 6 Powered by Kiddom Texas Math: Grade 7 Powered by Kiddom Texas Math: Grade 8 Powered by Kiddom Texas Math: Grade K Powered by Kiddom Texas miVision Lectura, Grade 1 Texas miVision Lectura, Grade 2 Texas miVision Lectura, Grade 3 Texas miVision Lectura, Grade 4 Texas miVision Lectura, Grade 5 Texas miVision Lectura, Grade K Texas myView Literacy, Grade 1 Texas myView Literacy, Grade 2 Texas myView Literacy, Grade 3 Texas myView Literacy, Grade 4 Texas myView Literacy, Grade 5 Texas myView Literacy, Grade K
Publishers Accelerate Learning American Reading Company Amplify Education AppleTree Argument-Driven Inquiry Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishing Group Benchmark Education BIOZONE Carnegie Learning Carolina Biological Supply Company Cengage Learning Center for the Collaborative Classroom Children's Learning Institute at UTHealth Children's Literacy Initiative Discovery Education EduSmart EDUSPARK EMC Publishing, LLC Estrellita Frog Street Great Minds Green Ninja Heinemann HighScope Houghton Mifflin Harcourt InterEthnic Istation Kaplan Early Learning Kiddom KinestemUS Learning A-Z, LLC Learning Without Tears Letterland International Ltd. Lexia Learning McGraw Hill School Division Myriad Sensors Neuhaus Education Center PASCO scientific Pearson Education, Inc. Perfection Learning Corporation QuaverEd Reading Horizons Really Great Reading Robert-Leslie Publishing RPA TREKs Savvas Learning Scholastic Education School-it! Shmoop University, Inc. Smart Biology Inc. Strong Mind StrongMind Studies Weekly Summit K12 Holdings Teaching Strategies Texas Education Agency, Open Education Resources The College Board Think CERCA TPS Publishing Vista Higher Learning Wilson Language Training