Instructional Materials Review and Approval

Amplify Core Language Arts Grade 2

We wish to thank the Texas Education Agency and participating educators for a thorough and insightful review of the Grades K-2 Amplify Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) program. We would also like to highlight some of the additional resources we have created to enhance and improve the program. Each of the following items is available on the Amplify CKLA Teacher Resource site.

Amplify CKLA has just released Text Complexity Guides K-5 for all student texts in the program. These guides include detailed information about the balance of literary and informational texts at each grade level with accompanying text complexity analysis scores for each of the texts. They are available for download on the Amplify CKLA Teacher Resource Site.

Trade Book Guides, aligned to the Amplify CKLA Trade Book Collection, provide a text overview along with detailed text complexity ratings. The guides contain engaging essential questions, vocabulary practice, activities, and connected writing prompts to support each authentic text selection.

Knowledge Builder videos introduce each unit or domain, activating content and vocabulary knowledge, supporting reading comprehension, and generating student engagement. Teachers may use these videos in conjunction with the Domain or Unit Introduction or during Pausing Points, Culminating Activities, or the Domain/Unit Review. Each video has an accompanying guide that includes suggestions for follow-up questions and extension activities.

Our mission, which has been the driving force behind the Core Knowledge Foundation for three decades, is to provide educational excellence and equity for all children. Amplify CKLA was created to help fulfill that mission. The authors of Amplify CKLA are fully committed to closing the achievement gap by creating a world-class curriculum—one that makes all students college and career-ready. We will continue to provide product enhancements that support that mission, ensuring that all students have opportunities to achieve college and career-readiness.

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