Instructional Materials Review and Approval
Photo of Teacher's Desk

Reviewed Phonics Programs

These programs have been evaluated for possible inclusion on the phonics list.

You may view reports for all materials on the List of Compliant Phonics Programs on the phonics reports webpage. Reports for programs that use an instructional approach that conflicts with 19 TAC §74.2001(3)(A) will be published in April 2023. All remaining reports will be published fall 2023.

Reviewed for English and Spanish Phonics Programs

These programs were evaluated for possible inclusion on the phonics list, but not all materials complied with phonics rule.

Program Name Publisher Language
Alphabet Harbor Phonics InterEthnic English
Arriba La Lectura Houghton Mifflin Harcourt  Spanish
Discovery Reading Horizons English
Elementary Literacy Skills Unit Amplify Education English
Essentials: Foundational Savvas Learning English
Estrellita K–1 Reading Program Estrellita Spanish
The Fountas & Pinnell Phonics Heinemann  English
Fundations Wilson Language    English
Into Reading Houghton Mifflin Harcourt English
Kinestema Kinestema US Spanish
Language Enrichment Neuhaus English
Lengua, Ritmo, y Cultural EduSpark Spanish
Letterland Letterland International, Ltd.  English
LexiaCore5 Reading Lexia Learning Systems  English
Open Court Reading McGraw-Hill English
Phonics Benchmark Education English
Phonics & Word Study Workshop Benchmark Education English
Phonics Suite Really Great Reading English
RAZ-Plus Learning A-Z, Inc. English
Reading en Espanol iStation Spanish
Reading iStation English
Reading Mastery McGraw-Hill  English
Reading Readiness Neuhaus English
Saxon Phonics and Spelling with Amira Houghton Mifflin Harcourt English
Taller de Fonetica Benchmark Education Spanish
Texas Maravillas McGraw-Hill Spanish
Texas myView Literacy Savvas Learning English
Texas miVision Lectura Savvas Learning Spanish
Texas Wonders McGraw-Hill  English
Units of Study for Teaching Phonics Heinemann English
Words Their Way Savvas Learning  English
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