Texas Resource Review

Texas GO Math! Kindergarten

Math Kindergarten

Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Copyright: 2015

Series includes:

Quality Review

The quality review is the result of extensive evidence gathering and analysis by Texas educators of how well instructional materials satisfy the criteria for quality in the subject-specific rubric. Follow the links below to view the scores and read the evidence used to determine quality.

Standards Alignment

Rubric Section 1
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills and English Language Proficiency Standards Alignment
Percent of standards met in materials
Grade TEKS Student % TEKS Teacher % ELPS Student % ELPS Teacher %
Kindergarten 100% 100% N/A 100%

Criteria for Quality

Rubric Section 2 Concept Development and Rigor Instruction is provided in conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and application. Total TOTAL75% (24 out of 32 points) 75%
Section 2 Concept Development and Rigor Instruction is provided in conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and application. Total 75% (24 out of 32 points)
Materials dedicate most attention to the development of the primary focal area for the grade-level.
4 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials strategically develop students’ conceptual understanding by following a progression of learning from concrete to representational to abstract (CRA) as is appropriate for the grade-level and content.
2 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials support coherence and connections between and within content at the grade-level and across grade levels.
4 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials are built around quality tasks that address content at the appropriate level of rigor and complexity.
4 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials include cohesive, year-long plan for students to develop fluency in an integrated way.
2 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials support students in the development and use of mathematical language.
2 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials contain opportunities for students to apply mathematical knowledge and skills to solve problems in new and varied contexts, including problems arising in everyday life, society, and the workplace.
4 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials are supported by research on how student develop mathematical understandings.
2 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Rubric Section 3 Integration of Process Skills Instruction is provided in problem solving, tool selection, effective communication, use of mathematical language. Total TOTAL100% (28 out of 28 points) 100%
Section 3 Integration of Process Skills Instruction is provided in problem solving, tool selection, effective communication, use of mathematical language. Total 100% (28 out of 28 points)

3.A Problem Solving, Tools, and Techniques

Materials develop student ability to use and apply a problem-solving model.
4 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials require students to select appropriate tools for the task, concept development and grade.
4 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials require students to select appropriate strategies for the work, concept development, and grade.
4 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials develop student’s self-efficacy and mathematical identity by providing opportunities to share strategies and approach to tasks.
4 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

3.B Communication

Materials prompt students to effectively communicate mathematical ideas, reasoning, and their implications using multiple representations.
4 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials provide opportunities to discuss mathematical ideas to develop and strengthen content knowledge and skills.
4 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials require students to justify mathematical ideas using multiple representations and precise mathematical language.
4 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Rubric Section 4 Progress Monitoring Frequent strategic opportunities to monitor and respond to student progress are provided. Total TOTAL83% (5 out of 6 points) 83%
Section 4 Progress Monitoring Frequent strategic opportunities to monitor and respond to student progress are provided. Total 83% (5 out of 6 points)
Materials include developmentally appropriate diagnostic tools (e.g. formative and summative progress monitoring) and guidance for teachers and administrators to monitor progress.
2 out of 2 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials include guidance for teachers to analyze and respond to data from diagnostic tools.
1 out of 2 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials include frequent, integrated formative assessment opportunities.
2 out of 2 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Rubric Section 5 Supports for All Learners Guidance and support for diverse learners are provided. Total TOTAL100% (6 out of 6 points) 100%
Section 5 Supports for All Learners Guidance and support for diverse learners are provided. Total 100% (6 out of 6 points)
Materials include guidance, scaffolds, supports, and extensions that maximizes student learning potential.
2 out of 2 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials provide a variety of instructional methods that appeal to a variety of learning interests and needs.
2 out of 2 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials include supports for English Learners (EL) to meet grade-level learning expectations.
2 out of 2 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Rubric Section 6 Implementation Easy-to-use guidance for implementation is provided. Total TOTAL70% (7 out of 10 points) 70%
Section 6 Implementation Easy-to-use guidance for implementation is provided. Total 70% (7 out of 10 points)
Materials include year-long plans with practice and review opportunities that support instruction.
2 out of 2 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials include implementation support for teachers and administrators.
1 out of 2 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials provide implementation guidance to meet variability in programmatic design and scheduling considerations.
1 out of 2 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials provide guidance on fostering connections between home and school.
1 out of 2 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

The visual design of student and teacher materials (whether in print or digital) is neither distracting nor chaotic.
2 out of 2 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

If present, technology or online components included are appropriate for grade level students and provide support for learning.
Not scored

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Rubric Section 7 Additional Information Additional program information is provided by publishers. Information available.
Section 7 Additional Information Additional program information is provided by publishers. Information available.
Technology Specifications

Read the Full Report for Technology
(pdf, 218.9 KB)

Price Information

Read the Full Report for Pricing
(pdf, 381.68 KB)

Professional Learning Opportunities

Read the Full Report for Professional Learning Opportunities
(pdf, 152 KB)

Additional Language Supports

Read the Full Report for Additional Language Supports
(pdf, 163.83 KB)

Program Information

Copyright Type
Print Version
Estimated number of pages:
Digital Version
Estimated number of click or scroll pages:
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