Texas Maravillas Grade 1

SLAR: Phonics Grade 1 | 2020

Publisher: McGraw Hill School Division

Series includes:

Quality Review

The quality review is the result of extensive evidence gathering and analysis by Texas educators of how well instructional materials satisfy the criteria for quality in the subject-specific rubric. Follow the links below to view the scores and read the evidence used to determine quality.

Phonics Rules

19 TAC §74.2001(1)

Phonics rules based on 19 TAC 74.2001(1). Program does comply ("yes") or does not comply ("no").

Yes, complies

19 TAC §74.2001(3)(A)

Phonics rules based on 19 TAC 74.2001(3)(A). Program does comply ("yes") or does not comply ("no").

Yes, complies

Standards Alignment

Rubric Section 1
Phonics-Related Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills-Alignment Review
Standards-alignment review team members review instructional materials to determine the extent to which the standards are covered and to identify factual errors. To be eligible for inclusion on the Commissioner’s Recommended List of Phonics Programs, instructional materials must cover at least 50% of the phonics related breakouts in the Spanish language arts and reading Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) in the student and teacher materials. The below citations are to the breakouts in the TEKS. The breakouts are created by unpacking the student expectations and separating them into component parts. Unless otherwise stated, all breakouts associated with a student expectation will be included in standards-alignment.
Grade TEKS Student % TEKS Teacher % ELPS Student % ELPS Teacher %
Grade 1 100% 100% N/A N/A

Criteria for Quality

Rubric Section 2 Instructional Approach Materials provide concise, direct (explicit) and systematic Spanish phonics instruction with cumulative review and intentional pacing. Lessons provide specific and authentic Spanish daily instructional sequences and routines, which include modeling, guided practice, and scaffolded application with immediate, corrective feedback. Materials include ongoing practice opportunities in isolation and in connected, decodable text that follows the instructional focus. Total TOTAL88% (14 out of 16 points) 88%
Section 2 Instructional Approach Materials provide concise, direct (explicit) and systematic Spanish phonics instruction with cumulative review and intentional pacing. Lessons provide specific and authentic Spanish daily instructional sequences and routines, which include modeling, guided practice, and scaffolded application with immediate, corrective feedback. Materials include ongoing practice opportunities in isolation and in connected, decodable text that follows the instructional focus. Total 88% (14 out of 16 points)
Materials include systematic, year-long plans for phonics instruction.
4 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials provide direct (explicit) and systematic instruction in developing grade-level Spanish phonics skills within and across lessons.
4 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials include detailed guidance that supports teacher’s delivery of instruction in Spanish.
2 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials include frequent and distributed review of Spanish phonics skills with cumulative practice opportunities with decodable text.
4 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Rubric Section 3 Content-Specific Skills Materials follow a research-based Spanish reading development continuum that provides high-quality instruction of Spanish phonics skills for beginning readers and writers. Materials focus on the development of alphabet knowledge, phonological awareness, phonics, and fluency to develop proficient readers throughout the year, as developmentally appropriate. Materials include ongoing practice opportunities in isolation and in connected, decodable text that follows the instructional focus. Total TOTAL100% (28 out of 28 points) 100%
Section 3 Content-Specific Skills Materials follow a research-based Spanish reading development continuum that provides high-quality instruction of Spanish phonics skills for beginning readers and writers. Materials focus on the development of alphabet knowledge, phonological awareness, phonics, and fluency to develop proficient readers throughout the year, as developmentally appropriate. Materials include ongoing practice opportunities in isolation and in connected, decodable text that follows the instructional focus. Total 100% (28 out of 28 points)

3.A Alphabet

Materials provide systematic and direct (explicit) Spanish instruction, practice, and review related to alphabet knowledge.
Not scored
Materials provide systematic and direct (explicit) Spanish instruction, practice, and review related to the alphabetic principle.
4 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

3.B Phonological Awareness

Materials provide systematic and direct (explicit) instruction, practice, and review to support the development of oral syllable awareness skills, as outlined in the Spanish TEKS.
4 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials provide systematic and direct (explicit) instruction, practice, and review to support the development of Spanish phonemic awareness skills, as outlined in the Spanish TEKS.
Not scored

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

3.C Phonics (Encoding and Decoding)

Materials provide systematic and direct (explicit) instruction, practice, and review to develop students’ knowledge and of grade-level sound-spelling patterns, as outlined in the Spanish TEKS.
4 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials provide systematic and direct (explicit) instruction, practice, and review related to accurately identifying, reading, and writing Spanish diptongos, hiatos, and word types (i.e., agudas, graves, esdrújulas, and sobreesdrújulas) and the rules of accent marks for each word part or word type, as outlined in the Spanish TEKS.
4 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials include systematic and direct (explicit) instruction, practice, and review related to using knowledge and application of syllabication to decode and encode multisyllabic words.
4 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials connect Spanish phonics instruction to meaning by providing systematic and direct (explicit) instruction, practice, and review related to developing morphological awareness in Spanish.
4 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

3.D Fluency

Materials provide frequent opportunities for students to practice and develop word reading fluency, by using knowledge of grade-level Spanish phonics skills to read decodable connected texts with accuracy and automaticity.
4 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Rubric Section 4 Progress Monitoring Materials provide frequent, strategic opportunities to monitor and respond to student progress toward development of appropriate grade level and content skill development. Total TOTAL100% (6 out of 6 points) 100%
Section 4 Progress Monitoring Materials provide frequent, strategic opportunities to monitor and respond to student progress toward development of appropriate grade level and content skill development. Total 100% (6 out of 6 points)
Materials include developmentally appropriate and authentic Spanish diagnostic tools (e.g., formative and summative) and guidance for teachers to monitor student progress.
2 out of 2 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials include integrated Spanish progress monitoring tools, with specific guidance on frequency of use.
2 out of 2 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials include guidance for teachers to analyze and respond to data from diagnostic tools.
2 out of 2 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Rubric Section 5 Supports for All Learners The following information will appear on the Texas Resource Review website, providing additional information about the set of materials being reviewed. Total TOTAL100% (6 out of 6 points) 100%
Section 5 Supports for All Learners The following information will appear on the Texas Resource Review website, providing additional information about the set of materials being reviewed. Total 100% (6 out of 6 points)
Materials include guidance, scaffolds, supports, and extensions that maximize student learning potential.
2 out of 2 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials provide a variety of instructional methods that appeal to a variety of learning interests and needs.
2 out of 2 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials include supports for multilingual learners to meet grade-level learning expectations.
2 out of 2 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Rubric Section 6 Additional Information: Resources The following information will appear on the Texas Resource Review website, providing additional information about the set of materials being reviewed. Information available.
Section 6 Additional Information: Resources The following information will appear on the Texas Resource Review website, providing additional information about the set of materials being reviewed. Information available.
Materials provide guidance on fostering connections between home and school.

Read the Full Report for Technology
(pdf, 2.28 MB)

Materials incorporate technology into the lessons to enhance student learning.

Read the Full Report for Technology
(pdf, 2.28 MB)

Rubric Section 7 Additional Information: Technology, Price, Professional Learning, Additional Language Supports, and Evidence-Based Information The following information will appear on the Texas Resource Review website, providing additional information about the set of materials being reviewed. Information available.
Section 7 Additional Information: Technology, Price, Professional Learning, Additional Language Supports, and Evidence-Based Information The following information will appear on the Texas Resource Review website, providing additional information about the set of materials being reviewed. Information available.
Technology Specifications

Read the Full Report for Technology
(pdf, 2.28 MB)

Price Information

Read the Full Report for Pricing
(pdf, 2.45 MB)

Professional Learning

Read the Full Report for Professional Learning Opportunities
(pdf, 2.27 MB)

Additional Language Supports

Program Information

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